Submit an article
Contributions, proposals, contacts and queries should be addressed to one of our Editors-in-chief:
François Gauthier francois.gauthier[at]
Ilana Silber Ilana.Silber[at]
Frederic Vandenberghe fredericvdbrio[at]
Preparing Your Paper
We are open to many types of contribution, from the short and sharp to the long, dense and thorough , in tune with our anti-utilitarian make-up. Research articles, review essays, roundtables, book discussion fora, interviews, analyses, and commentaries. as well as rarities and reprints are all welcome and will be assessed on a case-by-case basis. The Editors reserve all rights in these matters, and therefore contact them if your contribution is extraordinary in any respect. See our Mission Statement for details and information about our aims. The Editors will screen and review the text, and may consult with members of the Advisory Board. In case you want to be assured of an anonymous, double blind peer review, we can provide it.
All contributions must include:
Full name of author, position, institution, mail and preferred email address.
200 words maximum abstract (translations in other languages are welcome).
List of 5 keywords
Word Limits:
Please include a word count for your paper. Contributions should aim not to exceed 8’000 words, including footnotes and reference, (exceptions will be considered). with review essays limited to a maximum of 5,000 words.
Tables, figures and images are to be annexed in separate documents for quality, but their necessity needs be argued.
Contributions are best submitted in Word, double-spaced, font size 12.
Style Guidelines
The MAUSS International welcomes US and UK styles. Any spelling style is acceptable so long as it is consistent within the manuscript.
Please use single quotation marks, except where ‘a quotation is “within” a quotation’.
Long quotations should be indented without quotation marks.
Formatting and Templates
Use footnotes at bottom of each page rather than endnotes.
Notes should be numbered starting with the ordinal ‘1’.
Acknowledgments, funding sources and possible ethical issues can figure in the first footnote, inserted at the end of the first sentence of the manuscript.
Citations and References—Harvard Style.
Reference to author's name and date of publication within the text itself. Preferably without a comma between the two, ex.: (Lévi-Strauss 1950), comma only if specific pages mentioned (Lévi-Strauss1950, p. 38)
Full details of publication referred to in bibliography at the end of the article itself). In case of references within footnotes, apply same format as ref. within text.
Bibliographic References: close to Harvard or APA
Clemens, E. 2020 Civic Gifts: Voluntarism and the Making of the American Nation-State. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Edited Volume:
Wyschogrod, E. & J. Goux J. & E. Boynton (eds.) 2002 The Enigma of Gift and Sacrifice. New York: Fordham University Press.
Chapter in Volume:
Pyyhtinen, O. 2019 The Who, What, and How of the Gift in Theatre, in Hentschel, I. ed. Die Kunst der Gabe: Theater zwischen Autonomie und Sozialer Praxis. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag, pp. 97-110.
Article in Journal:
Fridman, D. & A. Luscombe 2017 Gift-Giving, Disreputable Exchange, and the Management of Donations in a Police Department, Social Forces 96, 2: 507-528.
Hyland, R. 2014 Gift and Danger, Journal of Classical Sociology 14: 45-53.
Text Template:
Heading 1 (centered, small caps, bold:)
Heading 2 (Italics)
Avoid third-level headings.
New paragraphs should be indented without a blank space between paragraphs.
Editing Services
Please do make sure to edit the writing of your text as carefully as you can. Sloppy manuscripts will be rejected outright. To help you improve your manuscript and prepare it for submission, we can provide English Language Editing, which will ensure that your article is free of spelling and grammar errors, at a reasonable cost.